MASSIMO Ventures is a strategy consulting and investment advisory firm, founded in 2009, focused on business strategy, open innovation, sales, investment, and wealth management.

MASSIMO for us means 

being wise,

stay on top of your knowledge, 

always give your best, 

and strive for excellence.

Our vision of doing business

This is the foundation on which our company was built.

We wrote these principles to make our culture tangible, actionable, inform decision-making, and provide a sense of what we value and what is right.

Our culture is forged by the promotion and the daily exercise of our principles.

They guide how we act, hire, train, measure, and reward our members.

Culture is not a support for our strategy; Culture is the strategy.

Ownership Attitude

We are a company of owners. Owners take results personally. "Formando uma Empresa de Donos"

Becoming a partner is in the reach of every member.

Protagonism, we are responsible for our choices and committed to our results.

A common behavior that we see in our partners is that they need to be reminded to stop doing and not motivated to do something.

Owners are foremost committed to preserve and promote the culture, keep the individual and institutional interests aligned, build lasting relationships and drive the entire organization within the same vision.

I can teach you anything, but I can't teach you to care about something!

Every problem in the company should concern you, from a clogged sink, a code bug, or some special need of a member. Everything is under your responsibility. We cannot waste any opportunity for improvement.

Omission is a service rendered to failure.

Partnership is not a principle of business is a principle of greatness.

Commitment Pays Off - Meritocracy

Great People grow at the pace of their talent and are rewarded accordingly.

To attract and retain stunning colleagues, we pay our teammates at the top of their personal market.

We have in mind that outstanding professionals are accretive assets, so we do not judge them as expensive because they pay for themselves through the results they generate.

Hard-work, strong execution capability and quality of results achieved are recognized and rewarded.

Here, commitment pays off.

Zero Complacency, Growth Driven, Results Oriented

We are never completely satisfied with our results, which is the fuel of our group. Focus and zero complacency guarantee lasting competitive advantage.

We are always pursuing our next goals and victories. Scouters should accomplish amazing amounts of important work.

There is no comfort in the growth zone.

There is no growth in the comfort zone.

You focus on results over process and demonstrate consistently strong performance so teammates can rely upon you.

It is ultimately that our actions prioritize the growth and perpetuity of the organization.

We administer our resources responsibly and manage costs tightly in order to free up assets that will be allocated to investments and guarantee sustainable and profitable growth. This principle guarantees better individual decisions. While our teammates are fantastic, and we work together very well, we know we can always do better.

Remember that "Costs are like nails. They should be cut frequently."

We strive to have calm confidence, and yet yearn to improve. We are mediocre compared to how great we want to become.

Embrace discomfort, because achieving our vision requires constantly challenging the status quo.

Productive Paranoia.

Empirical Creativity.

Fanatic Discipline.

"Success does not accept laziness" - João Adibe Marques
"Day 2 is stasis. Followed by irrelevance.Followed by excruciating, painful decline.Followed by death.And that is why it is always Day One at Amazon." - Jeff Bezzos
“The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday." - Navy SEALS
“1 day is 5% of a month."

Strive for Excellence

During the search for simplification and perfection, we understand there is no such thing as details, we always have to strive for excellence to offer the remarkable experiences we promise our members.

Our clients are our top priority and the reason for our existence, they deserve all the attention and dedication.

We value the spirit of service.

We believe that design should be at the core of every business, orienting the way they manufacture products, develop and deliver services, conceive and implement strategies. This approach brings together what is desirable from a human point of view with what is technologically feasible and economically viable. It allows us to deliver appropriate, actionable, and tangible strategies to create meaningful and transformative experiences.

We adopt a multidisciplinary problem-solving approach to envision simple and functional solutions.

Our purpose is to conceive new ways to serve people, bringing to light unmet needs, innate behaviors, and latent desires.

The company will be as big as our members allow!

Go beyond delivering what works. Discover what delights.

"For people who follow their hearts and make their own rules...people who get special pleasure out of doing something well, even if only for themselves...people who know there's more to this living than meets the eye: they’ll be right there with Jonathan, flying higher and faster than ever they dreamed."  - Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach"I can't relate to lazy people. We don't speak the same language. I don't understand you. I don't want to understand you."  - Kobe Bryant

Leadership, Teamwork and Mentorship

Leadership is based on respect and guided by example. Everyone, independent of the field of work, is stimulated to act proactively and think creatively.

The company's interests are above individuals, so we advocate the "best idea wins" approach. Making the right decisions for the right reasons is crucial at Scoutfy.

Purpose, culture, and talents are fundamental pillars of the company.

It is the responsibility of every leader to maintain a high density of talent in his team.

Leaders never stop hunting.

Everyone has the duty and the right to honest and constructive feedback to ensure improvement - "brutal honest delivered kindly."

Learn together. Grown together - We have a culture of collaboration and continuous development. Everyone has room for growth. As well as everyone is responsible for the development of the team and each other's formation. This determines how fast you, your team, and the company grows.

We believe that power is gained by sharing knowledge. A team is only strong when united and when its members care about the development of one another.

We will be judged by the quality of our teams and the results they achieve.

Power to the Edge

We strive to develop good decision-making muscles everywhere in our company. We pride ourselves on how few, not how many, decisions leadership makes.

We encourage the planned delegation and decentralized operations, what provides the learning and experiences of the entrepreneurship challenges, making the work environment an educational space, promoting the continuing development of our professionals.

We empower the organization to learn as many lessons as it can as quickly as possible - create, experiment, evaluate, learn and repeat.

We invest in a good team because they will be able to make the best ideas work and bring results.

You think strategically, use data to inform and refine your intuition, and make wise decisions despite ambiguity.

The more liberty, the more responsibility – proving to be a great opportunity for professionals to stand out.

We believe that the development of individuals determines the development of the organization.

“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.”- Alvin Toffler“You can use all the quantitative data you can get but you still have to distrust it and use your own intelligence and judgment.” - Alvin Toffler"Between the map and the field, keep the field" - Unknown

Context over Control - reading the playing field

Context is our definition of game reading and scenario analysis. It has the objective to evaluate several aspects of our business and the environment where we are operating.

Context over Control - one of our goals is to inspire and capacitate people more than manage them. We trust our teams to do what they think is best for Scoutfy, delegating and giving them lots of freedom, power, and information in support of their decisions. In turn, this generates a sense of responsibility and self-discipline that drives us to do great work that benefits the company.

We believe that people thrive on being trusted, on freedom, and on being able to make a difference. So we foster freedom and empowerment wherever we can.

Frequently we need to explore and evaluate a sample of all details and small decisions to learn how to adjust context so more decisions are made well.

Highly Aligned, Cleverly Connected

More important than how we are connected is how aligned we are.

We spend lots of time on the field with our members validating the best way to serve them, prioritizing the experiences we want to create, defining directions, debating strategy together, and then trusting each other to execute tactics without prior approvals.

The success of a “Highly Aligned, Cleverly Connected” work environment is dependent upon the collaborative efforts of high-performance individuals and a suitable Context.


Integrity, hard work, and responsibility are key to building our Company. It's not what you say, it's what you do.

We invest in the future, short-term gains never justify long-term sacrifice.

Fair play above everything.

No shortcuts and no corrupted procedures are admitted under any circumstance. 

Share mistakes, share victories, and share information openly, broadly, and deliberately.

Personal considerations from leadership

Forged by Adversity

I was born and raised in a chaotic business environment, surrounded by economic and political crises that make the entrepreneur's journey even more difficult. 

I've learned to hunt for opportunities wherever they are, even in the face of difficult circumstances.

We are Investment Grade!

"Só que nós somos "investment grade" como aqueles corredores africanos que ganhavam maratonas e provas de longa distância porque eram treinados descalços nas piores condições de terreno. E o mundo em nossa volta nunca foi "investment grade".

Os empreendedores brasileiros são "Investment Grade".
Eles têm a resiliência como marca, e as dificuldades sempre foram mães da invenção.As empresas brasileira, veja as datas de suas fundações, cresceram sob porrada, com precárias condições competitivas, num sistema tributário kafkaniano e numa economia instável.Acordar no Brasil, muitas vezes, é um ato de teimosia. Levantar é um ato de coragem.Meu sono não é "investment grade", mas meu sonho é.Eu não durmo à noite, eu morro. Só que às 6h45 da manhã, como fênix, eu pulo da cama.Eu e milhões e milhões de brasileiros que colocaram o Brasil para ser "investment grade"....Porque somos fênix. Porque somos grandes brasileiros, a despeito e apesar dos ciclos do Brasil.Nós somos "investment grade”." - Nizan Guanaes

Not where, but with whom.

As a high-performance athlete and as a professional forged in very competitive environments, with a lot of pressure and stress, I learned that no matter how good you are, you will depend on your team. And at this time it is essential that you know who is at your side, who you can count on, and what this person is capable of doing.

I believe that all professionals interested in joining Massimo have the right to know the culture that will welcome them and with what kind of people they will share the trenches.

“- Who will be in the trenches next to you?- And does it matter?- More than the war itself. ” - Ernest Hemingway

“Focus on the road, not the wall.”

I understand that taking bold decisions and make risky moves can generate fear or even paralyze you. When someone learns to drive a race car, one of the first lessons taught is that when you are going around a curve at 200 mph, do not focus on the wall; focus on the road. Running a company is like that. There are always a thousand things that can go wrong and sink the ship. If you focus too much on them, you will drive yourself nuts and likely ruin a project or crash the company.

Focus on where you are going rather than on what you hope to avoid.


We invest in courage.

I can live with a history full of failures, but never in the shadow of cowardice or under the blackmail of fear. 

These will not be able to bend my courage, deconstruct myself, and reap my dreams.

The challenges may even win me over, but cowardice and fear, never.

“Courage is the first of human qualities because it guarantees all others.” - Aristotle
"La vie rétrécit ou se développe proportionnellement à son courage." - Anaïs Nin
“O correr da vida embrulha tudo,a vida é assim: esquenta e esfria,aperta e daí afrouxa, sossega e depois desinquieta.O que ela quer da gente é coragem.O que Deus queré ver a gente aprendendo a ser capazde ficar alegre a mais, no meio da alegria,e inda mais alegre ainda no meio da tristeza.” - Guimarães Rosa

The Time is NOW

Stay at your best, doing your best, with the resources that you have, NOW.

Do not accept lethargy or remain inert, waiting for the best circumstance or the availability of all the resources that you believe are ideal to accomplish what needs to be done.

This behavior will compromise the success of our company and the possibilities of your rise as a leader and partner.

Our culture tolerates error as long as it is the result of a bold decision, based on data, good arguments or even instinct, when this is the only available resource.

What we do not tolerate are mistakes resulting from unpreparedness, lack of commitment, laziness or fear of taking risks.

Don’t complain. Don’t quit. Overcome.

Finding excuses and justifications is easy.

Be more creative, persistent and face the challenges.

In my experience as an entrepreneur and executive, I found that the most important decisions tested my courage and my resilience far more than my intelligence.

Great leaders face pain. They deal with sleepless nights, the cold sweats.

You may not win every single battle, but what is important is developing a heart that is ready to fight the next one.

Move forward, always forward!

“Cowards never start. The weak never finish. Winners never quit.” - Navy SEALS“It is impossible to win the one who never gives up.”"From the moment you gave up attacking, you accepted defeat. Always Forward." - Brandão

This tough journey has already tested me on so many different levels, you have no idea how many obstacles I've overcome and how many tears I've shed to build this dream. For several periods "The Struggle" has become a common feeling for me.

"THE STRUGGLEThe Struggle is when you wonder why you started the company in the first place.The Struggle is when people ask you why you don’t quit and you don’t know the answer.The Struggle is when your employees think you are lying and you think they may be right.The Struggle is when food loses its taste.The Struggle is when you don’t believe you should be CEO of your company. The Struggle is when you know that you are in over your head and you know that you cannot be replaced. The Struggle is when everybody thinks you are an idiot, but nobody will fire you. The Struggle is where self-doubt becomes self-hatred.The Struggle is when you are having a conversation with someone and you can’t hear a word that they are saying because all you can hear is The Struggle.The Struggle is when you want the pain to stop. The Struggle is unhappiness.The Struggle is when you go on vacation to feel better and you feel worse.The Struggle is when you are surrounded by people and you are all alone. The Struggle has no mercy.The Struggle is the land of broken promises and crushed dreams. The Struggle is a cold sweat. The Struggle is where your guts boil so much that you feel like you are going to spit blood.The Struggle is not failure, but it causes failure. Especially if you are weak. Always if you are weak.Most people are not strong enough.Every great entrepreneur from Steve Jobs to Mark Zuckerberg went through The Struggle and struggle they did, so you are not alone.But that does not mean that you will make it. You may not make it. That is why it is The Struggle.The Struggle is where greatness comes from." - The Hard Thing About Hard Things - Ben Horowitz

Plant trees you’ll never see

Invest in long-term projects whose success you won’t see realized because they are the right thing for the Organization. That’s how teams create a legacy.

"Leave the jersey better than how you found it."

This spirit links the day-to-day improvements to the very long-term ambitions of our Organization.

Blank Pages Trailblazer

An entrepreneurial leader is not afraid of a blank page.

Where most people see emptiness, I see endless opportunities.

What for many is uncertainty and insecurity, for me is a guarantee of discoveries and self-development.

While some need roads, I prefer to open my own trails.

While some follow scripts, I create them.

Underdog soul

Never, ever, bet against an underdog with a high standard of excellence and uncommon desire to succeed. 

They were born to prove that standards are beatable and probabilities do not define the game.

I always hunt and bite bigger bones than I can eat.

I believe in myself over everyone else. And you?

"Al final del camino sólo recuerdas una batalla,la que libraste contigo mismo,el verdadero enemigo;La batalla que te hizo único." - Gran Enemigo - Adrianna Catena y Alejandro Vigil
"One day, I will make the onions cry"
“O senhor saiba: eu toda a minha vida pensei por mim, sou nascido diferente. Eu sou é eu mesmo. Diverjo de todo o mundo” - Grande Sertão: Veredas - Guimarães Rosa